
Showing posts from December, 2020

Tharu Tribe of Uttar Pradesh

Abstract:   The Uttar Pradesh government is working to popularize Tharu tribe and its culture. Introduction:   The Uttar Pradesh government has recently launched a scheme to adopt the unique culture of its ethnic Tharu tribe across the world. The intention is to put Tharu villages on the tourism map, and generate employment and financial independence to the tribal population. Detail Uttar Pradesh has a total of five Scheduled Tribes. Out of five STs, Tharu is the most populous tribe, having a population of 83,544. They constitute 77.4% of the total tribal population of the state, according to the 2011 census. The latest move is aimed at economically strengthening the Tharu tribe by increasing their participation in eco-tourism and reducing their dependency on forest land.  The UP Government aims to popularize tharu culture and make them self economically self dependent, for this the government has set up a complex at a cost of Rs 1.70 crore. It has 10 shops along with four guest rooms,

Pardoning Power Of the Presidents of India and United States

Abstract:   US President Donald Trump has exercised his powers under the Constitution to pardon Michael Flynn, who was his former National Security Advisor.   Introduction:   The US President Donald Trump has exercised his pardoning power to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who had pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI during an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. It is the highest-profile pardon issued by the president since he took office.   Pardon in the United States The President of the US has the constitutional right to pardon or commute sentences related to federal crimes. The US Supreme Court has held that this power is granted without limit and cannot be restricted by Congress. Clemency is a broad executive power, and is discretionary, that means the President is not answerable for his pardons, and does not have to provide a reason for issuing one. But there are a few limitations. Section 2 under Article II,

Lessons in tiger conservation from Malenad

  Abstract:  Rising number of tiger population in the Malenad, Karnataka.   Introduction: The tiger population is on recovery in the Malnad landscape despite economic development. In the past five decades, tiger recovery in Malnad has occurred in an overall socioeconomic context. Study suggest that the tiger population here has increased from approximately 70 to 391 individuals in about 45 years. The study paper has summarized the research and conservation work carried out in this region by the Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) in Bengaluru. It also included major problems that still need to be addressed if the tiger numbers have to triple.     Malenad Region and Tiger Density Researchers from the Centre for Wildlife Studies (CWS) in Bengaluru have documented tiger recoveries over the past 30 years, across 38,000 sqkm Malnad landscape of Karnataka. They include the four clusters of Anshi-Dandeli, Bhadra-Kudremukh, Bandipur- Nagarahole and BRTCauvery. This study outlines th

Personal choices, the Constitution’s endurance

Introduction:  In a short and well-reasoned order, the Allahabad High Court declared last month that religious conversions, even when made solely for the purposes of marriage, constituted a valid exercise of a person’s liberties. The High Court ruled that the freedom to live with a person of one’s choice is intrinsic to the fundamental right to life and personal liberty. In holding thus, the order recognised that our society rested on the foundations of individual dignity, that a person’s freedom is not conditional on the caste, creed or religion that her partner might claim to profess, and that every person had an equal dominion over their own senses of conscience. None of this ought to need spelling out in a secular, democratic republic. Not least over 70 years after its founding. But such are the times that we live in, with various State governments undertaking projects to outlaw what they describe pejoratively as “Love Jihad”, that this decision is an important reminder of the Cons

Trust deficit: On MSP and the need for a legal guarantee

  Abstract:  A group of farmers are raising agitation against the recently passed farm laws by the Centre. Introduction:   The Central government, earlier dismissed the protests, citing, as ill-informed and motivated initially, now has offered to make some changes to the laws, but the farmers have now called for a Bharat Bandh on December 8. Thousands of farmers camping on the outskirts of the national capital are sceptical of the government claim that these laws would make agriculture more lucrative and secure by allowing market forces to play.  Body: The fear that the new regime will dismantle the system of procurement under Minimum Support Price (MSP) and leave farmers at the mercy of corporations is real. Responding to concerns, the Centre has suggested safeguards to prevent land alienation via contract farming; strengthening the State-run mandi system and ensuring its equal footing with private buyers through equalising taxes; allowing grievance redress in civil courts rather tha

United Nations removes cannabis from ‘most dangerous drug’ category

 Abstract:  United Nations commission has voted to remove cannabis from a list that categorized it as one of the most dangerous drugs, It is a move that recognizes the plant as having medicinal value. Introduction:  In a decision that could influence the global use of medicinal marijuana, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), voted to remove cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, decades after they were first placed on the list. At its ongoing 63rd session, the 53-member CND has chosen to affirm a World Health Organisation (WHO) recommendation from 2019 to remove cannabis from its ‘most dangerous’ category, with 27 Member States voting in favour, 25 against, and one abstention. India was part of the voting majority, along with the US and most European nations. China, Pakistan and Russia were among those who voted against, and Ukraine abstained.  In the present time in India, the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Su

Concept of trade areas in farm laws

Abstract: The idea of alternate markets, or “trade areas” as described in the NDA government’s Farmer’s Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act, 2020, are not new to India. The first and perhaps the most advanced experiments of these were in Maharashtra when in 2005-06 the then chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh sanctioned the setting of private markets and collection centers through the issuance of Direct Marketing License (DML)s.  The private markets were wholesale mandis set up by private entrepreneurs, while the collection centres were for aggregators like BigBasket and Reliance Fresh who procured directly from farmers at the farm gate. Fifteen years down the line, these experiments have seen the business move out of the mandis but not to the extent the planners would have liked. Introduction:   Private markets, are market yards set up by private entrepreneurs for the facilitation of trade in agri-commodities. The state government’s director of marketing issues l

Japan’s Hayabusa-2 mission

Abstract:   After six years, Japan’s Hayabusa2 mission was launched, it is set to return back to Earth on December 6 carrying with it samples from the one-kilometre wide Ryugu asteroid that orbits the Sun. The mission is similar to NASA’s OSIRIS-REX mission that brought back samples from asteroid Bennu late in October. According to the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), this is the first time that a probe has visited a celestial body that is under 100 metres in diameter. Introduction:  The Hayabasu2 mission was launched in December 2014 when the spacecraft was sent on a six-year-long voyage to study the asteroid Ryugu and collect samples that it is now bringing back to the Earth. The spacecraft arrived at the asteroid in mid-2018 after which it deployed two rovers and a small lander onto the surface. In 2019, the spacecraft fired an impactor into the asteroid’s surface to create an artificial crater with a diametre of a little more than 10 metres, which allowed it to colle

Significance of lions being spotted in Gujarat’s Jasdan area

Abstract:   Leaving their known habitat in Dhari in Gir (east) wildlife division in Amreli district, three Asiatic lions, which are a female and two sub-adult males, have walked around 100 km to reach Jasdan taluka of Rajkot district and have been camping in a grassland and revenue areas of Jasdan for a week now. This is for the second year in a row that lions have visited Jasdan. A look at the implications of the development. Introduction:   The Asiatic lions (Panthera lio persica) usually consist a group of lionesses, cubs, sub-adults and one, or in some cases two, dominant male lions. The male lions live within their established territory and fiercely protect them from rival male lions or intruders. Lionesses also live within such established territory and mate with the dominant male controlling that territory.  While male lions protect females and try expand their territory, females hunt and feed cubs. The dominant male lions also mostly rely on females for hunting though they ofte

What is the intellectual property MoU between India and the US, and how will it help?

  Abstract:   India and US will draw up a biennial work plan to implement the Memorandum of Understanding which will include detailed planning for carrying out co-operation activities, including the scope of action.     Introduction:   The Union Cabinet, earlier this year, had approved signing of the MoU between the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Both sides have sign an MoU to increase cooperation in the field of intellectual property (IP) by facilitating exchange and dissemination of best practices, collaboration in training programs and outreach activities.   DPIIT Secretary Guruprasad Mohapatra and Andrei Iancu, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director, USPTO conducted a virtual signing ceremony for the MoU.   The MoU aims at increasing IP co-operation between the two countries by way of facilitating exchange and dissemination of best practices, includi

Castes count: On T.N. caste-wise survey

  Abstract:   Tamil Nadu Government has announced to set up a commission for examine methodologies to collect caste-wise data and submit a report.     Introduction:   Number of parties and caste groups have been demanding a census to determine the ratio of reservation to their population in the education sector and government jobs. This special panel, the first since the 1950s, has been announced following the long-standing demand of the community concentrated in TN’s northern districts, for 20% reservation.   Body The idea of a caste census is back in the realm of public debate, following the announcement of the Tamil Nadu government’s decision to establish a commission to collect caste-wise data. The move may have been born out of political expediency, in response to the restive pre-election agitation organised by the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK ) demanding 20% exclusive reservation in education and government jobs for